Frequently asked questions.

What is the cracking sound?

This audible release often heard as a cracking or popping sound, is known as joint cavitation. As the joint is moved, its shape changes, leading to small cavities (bubbles) of partial vacuum forming in the synovial fluid and then rapidly collapsing, to create the sound. These are completely normal undergoing spinal manipulative therapies (SMT).

Is it painful?

Our treatment methods at HEALTH SHAK are generally gentle and completely pain-free. Some people may notice some mild post-treatment soreness, especially after the first couple of sessions, as the body begins to change. This will normally disappear within the first 24 hours. As a precaution, we advise all of our patients to place an ice pack on any areas we have worked on after every session.

Is it safe?

Chiropractic is widely recognised as one of the safest drug-free, non-invasive therapies available for the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal complaints. Although chiropractic has an excellent safety record, no health treatment is completely free of potential adverse effects. The risks associated with chiropractic are very small and will be discussed with you before any treatment commences.

What if it doesn’t work?

We will do everything we can to help you reach your goals. In the event that we feel we can no longer support you in reaching your goals, we will make the appropriate referral, and help you to find the right person to correct your problem.

Do I need a referral from my GP?

A referral is not required to see a chiropractor, however, some health insurance policies may have specific referral requirements. We would recommend that you check the details of your specific insurance policy with your provider prior to commencing your care.

Do I need an x-ray?

X-rays are only taken when they are clinically necessary. If your practitioner believes that you will need imaging to confirm a diagnosis or influence a treatment plan, they will discuss this with you at your initial consultation. If you have relevant imaging taken within the last 5 years, this could be helpful for your practitioner to see prior to your physical examination (Visit 1).

How many sessions do I need?

This is very individual and will be based on your particular condition, as well as your goals. At your Report of Findings session (Visit 2) your individual proposed care plan will be discussed with you.

What should I wear?

We want you to feel comfortable and free to move, as we may need to perform some physical tests. We would recommend short sleeves, and shorts/leggings. We will ask you to remove outside jackets, and shoes during your appointments. We would recommend you avoid wearing thick, hooded jumpers, short skirts, or tight shirts, as these may make it difficult to perform our treatments.

Am I too old/young?

David has gained over 8 years of experience working with a wide range of patients, from small children to the elderly. The truth is, your body is always trying to fix itself, no matter how old or young you are. Sometimes all it needs is some support, and a push in the right direction.

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